Mobile App Development

The development of mobile app is becoming as important in strengthening a brand today as the website was a few years ago. APPs establish a deeper connection between the company and the customer and can take on several functions. E-commerce application, relationship and information channel, service directories and even games.

mobile app
mobile app

Application Creation

All process of creating an application for mobile devices is an engineering challenge that is different from the development of desktop software. However, the interface design, storage methods and data access must be designed for mobile devices. A mobile App designer Dubai are passionate about what they do and are able to create APPs for any mobile platform. That interacts with back-end systems and cloud storage services.

The importance of engagement

Getting the first users is a difficult task. Studies indicate that about 80 to 90 percent of all downloaded applications are used only once and then deleted by users. The most important goal today is user retention. Monitoring how often a user returns and uses your product again is an important task. Building a mobile app designed to engage and retain users is essential.

By combining studies and methodologies used in the most addictive applications on the market. We can develop engaging systems capable of making users use the platform regularly.

Developing a mobile app

The development of a successful application depends largely on the planning and design of the platform. The navigation system needs to be simple and intuitive to keep the user interested. Another important point is the quality of the source code. This will determine how well the application works, as well as allowing future upgrades and the addition of new features.

We believe that the quality of the system is absolutely essential.

Mobile App Planning

Before starting, it is important to have in mind what problem your application must solve.

At mobile App Development Company Dubai, all projects begin with research. At this stage, it is natural to study competitors. Observe the features present in their applications and discover what works and what does not. As a result of this research, we can discover opportunities that competitors have not explored and that we can implement. By emphasizing these innovative features. We will make your application different from the rest.

Mobile App Prototypes

This is the moment when the initial ideas take shape and content, representing the reality imagined in the planning phase. However, the best applications are natural to use. Instead, that is why we spend time carefully planning the user experience in the application. We need to identify the paths that users will have to take to perform certain actions. This is when the ideas take shape, and through drawings (wireframes). In fact, we represent the detailed functionalities of each screen.

Application Design

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works,” said Steve Jobs. However, the design is more than choosing the colors and shapes of the buttons. In fact, design determines how users will feel and engage with the application.

User Experience (UX Design)

Here we need to evaluate the difficulties of using and capturing information. A mobile app development company in dubai usability tests of the system are necessary to validate the prototypes.

User Interface (UI Design)

A pleasing visual aspect is key to the success of an application. People are captivated by graphics, images, colors, illustrations, typography. And iconography because these visual elements make the app beautiful and easy to use.

Code Development

In this step, we bring our idea to life. With the list of predefined features and the interface design. However, we build the application, implementing one set of features at a time.

Mobile App Testing and Publishing

This is a final step where the apps are tested for functionality and desired behavior. Performance, responsiveness, and security are also among the items checked. After the necessary corrections, the APP will be ready to be published in their respective stores: Play Store, APP Store, and Microsoft Store.